
PPK Valpovo provides cooperation services to agricultural producers of cereals and oleaginous plants, and its offer of goods and services includes cooperation in the organic and conventional crop farming sectors. We are registering continuous business growth in this sector and currently have 120+ cooperating partners. Cooperation primarily takes place in the Valpovo region, and in regard to organic cooperation, in the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia.

In addition to secure and fast payment for their cereals and oleaginous plants, we also offer to finance our partners’ spring and autumn sowing operations, as well as to procure the necessary production materials for them. Cooperation with PPK Valpovo offers everything that you need for production, as well as for care and production of your cereals and oleaginous plants. Our partners/suppliers are renowned agricultural companies that produce and process seeds, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, foliar fertilizers, etc.

Our partners/suppliers include:

Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, Chromos Agro, Petrokemija, Elixir Zorka, Timac Agro, Agricultural Institute Osijek, Pioneer/Corteva, KWS, Monsanto, RWA Hrvatska and many others.

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cooperators and partners

As part of its crop farming activities, PPK Valpovo offers the following to its cooperating partners:

Professional assistance in connection with growing crops
Performance of autumn and spring sowing operations
Preparation and tillage of soil and harvesting
Production materials
Purchase of products and their placement on the market
If you need professional advice in connection with crop protection, treatment and fertilization, do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact us

Phone: 031/656-500
Fax: 031/651-274

Head of Cooperation
Luka Pandurić
Phone: 099/4690097

Head of Organic Cooperation
Ines Klaric
Phone: 099/3838709

Purchase locations:
Price lists and terms of purchase

PPK Valpovo ensures the best possible terms of purchase to its cooperating partners and other partners, with quick payment within the shortest possible time.

Price lists and terms of purchase are published at purchase locations, where you can receive all of the required information during the harvest period.